Memorial day weekend I was driving around with Kelly and she mentioned there was the great alley of graffiti near by. So we pulled over and not only was it awesome but there was a group of artists working on the alley prep'ing it for a show that night or something. Once they figured I wasn't there for any sinister reasons they allowed me to photograph them working! Here are some of my digital images. I also took some Polaroids with my Polaroid 180, I'll post those images latter.
I decided, as I usually do, to convert my digital image to B&W. If I had been shooting film I would have been shooting in B&W anyway so for many reasons this makes sense for me. I often tell my students when photographing art to try and make it your own. On some level converting a very colorful scene to B&W accomplishes this. Also B&W allows me to really emphasize the grittiness of the alley which I don't think comes through as well in color. Anyway I consider myself a B&W photographer and as I tell everyone I see in B&W (not really I am not color blind).

All images shot on Canon 20D
SilverEFEX Pro