Friday, May 28, 2010

Been busy...(Post may be NSFW)

Well unexpectedly life has taken over and I haven't kept up with this blog. Can't say I'm complaining :) I have been shooting, but mostly just my every day life. I will post any interesting images I can as I work through them. Where does the time go? I have been working with the new Impossible films and having some good success lately, especially with the PX100 film. It looks like the best results are obtained simply by allowing the film to develop in darkness. I just tape the dark slide over the ejection point on my SX-70 Sonar and then either put the film in my pocket, or bag, or if it's really bright out a film changing bag. I still like to use my hands to help the development with a little heat now and then. I will either just rub the whole film in the palm of my hands to slightly darken the whole image or use my fingers to darken a specific area. I typically start this heating process just before all the blue paste fades away.PX600 has needed less to no heat. Actually any small amount of heat seems to really turn the film orange or even red. My problem with the first batch of this film is the de-lamination issue along with getting ugly green tones show up in the shadows after about 30 minutes of development. I also get the snow flake issue and the weird light spots. Supposedly all of these issues have been corrected by Impossible. I have ordered a few packs of the new and improved PX100 and PX600 films so we shall see. I have to say I am not sure that PX100 needed a change, as I had already dialed in the film to my liking. I guess it would be nice to not have to allow it to develop in darkness, but at the same time if you get rid of that then you may also get rid of the ability to effect the image during development which I like allot. This has all been a fun experiment and I guess I will just be happy to continue along the ride.
So here is an example of PX100 in bright sun on a cooler day using my method of applying heat with the palm of my hands to aid development:

"Kelly & Andy"
SX-70 Sonar, PX100

I don't know about other photographers who shoot nudes, but I have always wondered if I needed to get in front of the camera to better understand what the experience is like. Not unlike many people who would never consider posing nude I have insecurities about being nude in front of a camera. But for whatever reason lately I have been thinking it was time to step to the other side of the lens. I started by figuring I would just do it, not tell or show anyone and be able to say yes I had done it. But it turns out I actually like some of the images. If you can't already see below don't freak out, the images show nothing.

SX-70 Sonar, PX100

I didn't learn anything profound by doing this. I have always understood and appreciated the models who were willing to help me make some of the images I really enjoy. When you shoot people or nudes you are limited in that you can't just wake up and go shooting. Especially with nudes you need to do allot of planing, and most importantly you need someone willing to pose for you. Up to this point my nude photography has been rather traditional, I have spent a few years learning to shoot the female form approaching it from a very traditional veiw point. I love the images I have created, but they are rather safe and nothing new. I have a new project that I am currently looking for models for that I hope will be my first step taking everything I have learned and applying it to create images that are more me than copies of traditional work that has come before me. I hope to have something to start sharing before the end of the summer.

I will post some of the results from my PX600 film in a future post.